Sustainable Packaging – ScandiBugs
If you're used to ordering online, you won't have failed to notice the plethora of packaging options now available to online retailers. We've received some beautifully wrapped orders here at ScandiBugs HQ!

Packaging is an ongoing project for us at ScandiBugs. We've tried many different options to date and we're always on the lookout for new solutions and more sustainable options. There are three things that influence the packaging we use for our orders: it has be sustainable, cost effective and of course, ensure your order arrives in tip-top condition! 

The packaging we use depends on what you order. Clothes are great in mailing bags, but toys often need a box. At time of writing, we are using the following packaging materials:

  • 100% recycled, fully recyclable mailing bags
  • Plant-based, non-plastic sticky tape
  • Paper kraft tape
  • Recycled, recyclable tissue paper
  • Recycled, recyclable cardboard mailing boxes
  • Recycled, recyclable kraft paper
  • Recycled, recyclable corrugated paper roll
  • Recycled, recyclable single wall cardboard box

We try to reuse packaging used for deliveries into our stockroom. We often reuse infill and package orders in smaller boxes, while larger boxes are used for bigger orders or storage. 

While we reuse as much as we can, we're always careful to ensure we recycle as much waste as possible.

If you have any specific packaging requests for your order, please get in touch with us and we'll see how we can help!


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